Exome Sequencing Data Analysis

Variants in exome account for 85% of known disease variants. This makes exome sequencing one of the most popular targeted sequencing approach to study genetic disease variants, cancer biomarker and population studies. Exome accounts for just a 2% of total genome size that makes it easier to generate a comprehensive sequencing coverage for variant identification.

Whole Exome Sequencing

Why chose our Exome Sequencing Services?

  • Top quality sequencing data generated on Illumina HiSeq instruments.
  • Customized pipelines for reliable and sensitive detection of coding variants – SNPs and INDELS.
  • Team of experts handles your exome sequencing data.
  • Cost effective and quick turnover time.

Exome Seq Data Analysis

  • Robust Exome sequencing data analysis pipelines to identify SNPs, INDELS, CNV and other structural variants from your exome sequencing datasets.
  • Tailored whole exome sequencing data analysis and reporting for your research projects.
  • Accurate and reliable exome sequencing data analysis for genetic testing that modern day clinicians depend on.
  • Disease panel sequencing analysis for biomarker identification and discovery.

Exome Seq Data Analysis Overview

Here is a peek at our exome sequencing data analysis pipeline. We have optimised various tools and parameters to detect SNPs, INDELS and CNVs in your exome sequencing data.

Exome Seq Data Analysis

Whole Exome Sequencing Service Deliverables

Sequencing Quality Report (FASTQC)

Genome exome sequencing report that includes details of data quality, data analysis workflow, read alignment statistics and SNP and Indel discovered

Whole exome sequencing reads alignment files – BAM / SAM files

Sequence Alignement files

Whole exome sequencing Variant calls – VCF format

Contains variant information

Exome Variant Annotations report

A detailed report of variant and annotations

Ready to Uncover Genetic Secrets with Exome Sequencing?

Unlock the power of exome sequencing with 1010Genome. Our precision, expertise, and commitment to delivering comprehensive results make us the ideal choice for your research. Don't miss out on the genetic insights waiting to be discovered.